Nurturing Parenting® Program

Brayden’s Supervised Parenting Time is founded on the evidence-based Nurturing Parenting Program for the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect and for the development and promotion of empathic, compassionate individual, families and communities, by Stephen J. Bavolek, PhD Denver, Colorado.

Brayden is in a unique position to support families gain better parenting skills. Because Brayden Supervisors are already involved in the parent’s time with the child(ren), we are able to continue to support the bond to positive parenting practices and deal with the concerns that have required the parent to be supervised with their child(ren).

Brayden’s Nurturing Parenting program is based on psycho-educational and cognitive behaviour approaches to learning:
• Psychological: Understanding the impact of past events on current behaviour
• Educational: Becoming aware of and understanding new knowledge, skills and strategies of parenting
• Cognitive: Replacing old patterns of thinking with new thought patterns
• Behavioural: Replacing old patterns of behaviour with new ones

Brayden can assist parents in real time with practical hands-on applications that can benefit both the child and parent during their Supervised Parenting Time. In partnership with the parent, Brayden can provide:
• one-on-one lesson plans at the beginning of the supervised visit, while
• using the child’s visit to practice the lesson, and
• debrief the lesson plan with the parent after the child(ren) has left the visit.

To date, Nurturing Parenting Program has assessed nearly 3 million adults and teens.


Brayden supervisors have a university degree or college diploma in psychology, family studies, child and youth work, or related field. In addition they have been thoroughly screened as to their references, and all have submitted a vulnerable persons police check. Further they bring experience in working with families and children who are experiencing difficulties either due to mental health or developmental problems and/or in situations where the family conflict is significant.

Our staff in the Nurturing Parenting Program are carefully chosen to ensure that their knowledge, skill and experience corresponds with the needs of the specific family receiving service in the program.

All services are on a fee-for-service basis. 

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© 2024